Listen to the story of a remarkable woman who struggled with fibromyalgia. Despite constant cold exposure, and hostile bullying from coworkers, she persisted and found her internal power. Transcript: hi I'm here talking to dr. Andrew miles the author of the fibro Bible dr. miles you know you've said the average person goes through the...
Modern Vitality Blog Podcast
If You Love Someone With Fibromyalgia, Here’s Everything You Need to Know
If your loved one has Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue, there's a lot they wish you knew, even though it's hard to find the words sometimes. Here is everything you need to know. Transcript: hi everybody I'm here with dr. Andrew miles the author of the fibro Bible and today we're going to talk about what...
Why Does Itching Happen With Fibromyalgia?
Why is itching so common with fibromyalgia? What can we do to relieve this difficult symptom? Transcript: hi I'm here with dr. Andrew miles the author of the fibro Bible and we've got another viewer question why do I get so itchy when I have fibromyalgia why what's with the itching it's something that we...
For Anyone Who Doesn’t Believe in Fibromyalgia
Anyone who doesn't "believe" in Fibromyalgia hasn't been paying attention. It was discovered at least 2000 years ago. Here's proof. Transcripts: hey everybody I'm here with dr. Andrew miles the author of the fibro Bible and we're going to talk a little bit about the history of conditions that are similar to fibro and how...
Which Herbs Make Fibromyalgia Worse?
Which herbs make fibromyalgia symptoms worse? How do we make sure that any herbs we take don't contain toxic chemicals? How do we make sure that any herbs we take will actually help us? Transcript: so long could you talk a little bit about the university research teams that you're working with and what their...
Which Foods Make Fibromyalgia Worse?
Which foods make fibromyalgia symptoms worse? How to protect yourself the best way? What's the connection between digestive health and pain relief? Transcript: today we're talking to dr. Andrew miles the author of the fibro Bible and we have a viewer question how come after I eat certain foods my pain seems to be worse...
How To Know If Your Fibromyalgia is Getting Better or Not
What is the process like of getting your life back from Fibromyalgia? And how to know if you're getting better. There are key signs along the way to keep you on track. Transcript: hi everyone I'm here talking with dr. Andrew miles the author of the fibro Bible and today we're going to talk about...
The Eight Stages of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Did you know there are eight distinct stages of Fibromyalgia? Here's how to untangle them so you can learn more about yourself. Transcript: I'm here today with dr. Andrew miles the author of the fibro Bible and he's going to talk to us a little bit about the eight stages of fibromyalgia there's different kinds...