Peak Tea


Peak Tea is a variant of Wind Tea.  It also helps the respiratory and digestive system to clear pathogens, but Peak tea is slightly cooler for higher levels of inflammation.

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Formula Comparison:

Microgard is more appropriate for offsetting the damage caused by irregular eating, new foods, greasy, heavy foods, occasional alcohol use, etc.

Aromatica bridges the gap between immune/digestive with pathogen involvement, especially for acute bouts of digestive distress.

Warm Hearth is for more chronic situations of Dampness encumbering the Lungs and Digestive system.

Peak Tea can be combined with any of these formulas.


Wind is ideal for the symptoms of cold or flu, as well as weather changes, traveling, people around you getting sick, allergies, etc.

Peak Tea is similar to Wind in that it helps the upper respiratory and digestive system with latent pathogens, but slightly cooler for higher levels of inflammation.


Ingredients: Semen Armeniacae Amarum, Fructus Amomi Kravanh, Semen Coicis, Herba Artemisiae Scopariae, Bupleurum Chinense Radix

This product is additive and preservative free. It’s important to store it in a cool and dry place. If vacuum seal is broken, do not use. Keep refrigerated after opening.
Contains 30 Teabags.

Consult a qualified healthcare provider prior to using any herbal products.

Shipped from

USA, Sweden

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