Consult a qualified healthcare provider prior to using any herbal products.
$85.00 – $120.00
Supplement Facts:
Huang Bai (from 30-year-old plant) – Harvest time June, 2018
Cang Zhu (wildcrafted) – Harvest time August, 2018
Dosage: Take 10-25 micro pills, 2-3 times a day
Highlights of our Aquada that you’ll not find anywhere else:
1. Huang Bai is from 30-year-old trees which contains higher active ingredients
2. Cang Zhu and Huang Bai are properly processed with ancient methods to ultimately maintain its potency of draining dampness without hurting the Yin with the reduced dryness nature.
3. A dream team of 7 experts from 2 universities are seeing to levels of detail that aren’t recorded in herb books. This is where science meets art.